IMG_3999-lacasaSan Marino Community Church donates more than 150 hours as La Casa’s friends join the parade of spring giving.

If you’re like us, you know that there’s a feeling of real accomplishment that comes when you give to those in need. It may be a donation of resources like cash or manpower, or it may be the joyous noise of dozens of volunteers pouring their hearts and souls into a physical task – not to mention some backbreaking labor, and a whole lot of love. It’s that season at La Casa when so many good people in our community turn out to help San Gabriel’s families in need. These are their stories. San Marino Community Church proves what sweat equity’s all about. Our good friends at San Marino Community Church have outdone themselves, demonstrating their friendship with La Casa. On May 4-6, the congregation volunteered their time to serve our families by painting offices, weeding grass, planting new landscaping, and reorganizing the clothing pantry. Other projects included the installation of new toilets and pulling up old tiles. All together, the church volunteers donated more than 150 hours of labor. According to the San Marino Church flyer advertising the event, “There’s something here for everyone! Our youngest kids can join in the gardening. With dozens of folks from our church all pitching in together, we can accomplish a lot in just a few hours.” All of us at La Casa are thankful for the contribution from San Marino Community Church and we look forward to our continued partnership. The Masters Fantasy Golf Tournament, organized by  longtime board member and development chair Greg Forgatch, netted more than $17,000 to sustain La Casa services. The event, held at San Gabriel Country Club, was the second unique fundraiser organized by Greg, who has consistently found new ways to deliver the La Casa story to new audiences. Our thanks to Greg and the many folks who turned out for a fun, golf-themed evening in support of La Casa’s children and families. Long time La Casa supporter and San Gabriel educator Connie Rothstein honored two friends in memoriam by presenting La Casa preschoolers with Leapfrog Leaptops. The Leaptop play modes and functions help children build vocabulary, and practice listening and reading skills at their own individual development level. Although Connie has moved to Boston to be near her family, she maintains her friendships in San Gabriel, and her support of La Casa. Connie said that she is delighted to continue to share in the life of La Casa preschool by honoring her friends Orlando Corral and Judy Seielstad, whose lives were dedicated to children.